Almonds are one of the tastiest and healthiest varieties of tree nuts you could ever feast on. Not only are they a great source of plant-based protein, but they’re also abundant in Vitamin E, dietary fiber and monounsaturated fats—the good kind of fats that can help lower the levels of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (i.e. bad cholesterol) in your body. They give you an amazing energy boost with every serving, too, making them a great metabolism-boosting snack. However, if you’re like us, you may get a bit tired of just crunching down almonds every single time. To help you mix it up and find more to appreciate about this wonderful tree nut variant, we’ll fill you in on some of the otherawesome ways to enjoy almonds.
Almond milk
Ever wanted to indulge in a tall, cold glass of chocolate milk but can’t bring yourself to because you’re thinking about the calories and all that stomach-churning lactose? If so, then almond milk with chocolate should be right up your alley. A milked almond beverage not only has all the nutrients and health benefits of the wonder nut, but it’s also devoid of cholesterol, lactose, and saturated fat—making it a good alternative to dairy milk and a great way to indulge in your chocolate milk habit in a completely healthy and guilt-free manner. Just remember to pick a brand that uses a nut milking method that preserves as much of the nutrients as possible (e.g. cold milling).
Almond salad dressing
Spice up your salads by sprinkling crushed or powdered almonds on top just as you’re about to mix it all up. Not only does this give your leafy greens a bit more ‘oomph’ when it comes to taste and mouthfeel, but you’ll be getting a huge energy boost right after as well. For an added kick, you can pre-season your almonds before crushing them over your salad. Just mix an entire cup of almonds with a teaspoon each of turmeric powder, salt, chili powder, pepper and soy sauce before throwing them in an oven for an hour at 200 degrees. Let the mixture cool, and then you can add it to your salad as much as you like!
Almond vegetable stir-fry
Almonds make for a great addition to any vegetable dish, whether it’s stir-fried on a hot wok or roasted in a pan. Not only can they beef up the meal’s texture with a bulky and savory crunch, but they also boost the protein content by quite a bit, which is important especially if the dish itself is vegetarian. Just make sure to slice or sliver them first, as whole almonds tend to be a bit on the bigger side than other savory nuts.
Almonds as breading or tempura crusting
If you’re a fan of breaded fish or chicken fillets but you could do without the extra heaping of carbs— you know, from all the breading—then you could do well by substituting that sinful, crunchy layer of flour and starch with crushed or crumbled almonds instead. Not only do you get a crispier and crunchier layer over the tender and succulent meat of your choice, but it’s also much healthier. As with adding almonds to your stir-fry, remember to crush or crumble your almonds really fine, otherwise they won’t adhere as well as they should. For maximum crunch, slice the almonds into thin layers instead before adding them into the breading mix.
There are many more ways to enjoy almonds, but these four are a great way to start. No matter which one you pick, however, you’ll still be sure to enjoy the numerous health benefits that come with consuming this wholesome and savory tree nut.